$PEAS has gone absolutely parabolic
Up 5000% and at 75mil MC
Here is a dark horse I found still at 750k MC🧵👇
Since inception, the protocol has paid out 251 ETH
I’ve been LPing since about 2 weeks ago and have gotten 1.27 $ETH
That’s worth $3300
(NFA: so please exercise your due diligence.)
@ScrambleFinance is not an $EEGS fork!
$SCRAMBLE is a debase coin and will lose value overtime if you don’t put them to work
It builds upon original EGGS contracts with aspects of game theory consists of three aspects:
SCRAMBLE debase rate = % supply staked in WHITE pool
Collecting WHITE and YOLK pool shares allows you to make $SCRAMBLE yourself.
Cook SCRAMBLE and earn cooking Eggsperience points, where you use that to upgrade to increase yields.
Here is TLDR about $SCRAMBLE vaults and which type of investors are they for:
Hodlers enters WHITE vaults. Deposit $SCRAMBLE
Farmers enters YOLK vaults. Deposit $SCRAMBLE-WETH LP
Risk takers enters CONVERTER vaults and earn ETH
The core concept that @ScrambleFinance is protecting users from debase, which can be understood as inflation or loss value for your holdings.
So they have 4 pools built around the debase ecosystem
White Pool
Locking your SCRAMBLE in WHITE pool will:
protect your tokens from debase
increasing their value (because tokens in LP keep debasing).
earn you $WHITE htat will be used in making $SCRAMBLE
Yolk Pool
Stake SCRAMBLE-WETH LP tokens in the pool
YOLK pool has more weight of reward distribution and has no lock period.
Scramble Maker
Based on their shares of White and Yolk pools combined, users earn $SCRAMBLE:
protecting your $SCRAMBLE from debase
WHITE and YOLK Shares are weighted as follows: White = 1 Yolk = 4. That means that share of 1% of YOLK pool will give you four times more $SCRAMBLE than WHITE pool.
Scramble Converter
Stake your Scramble LP and earn ETH rewards:
ETH from tax reflection
withdrawals would mean users lose thier ETH rewards
Claiming, depositing, withdrawing and compounding resets the lock timer back to 7 days.
The Upgrade vault allows users to trade their Cooking Eggsperience points for increased yields.
There are two types of upgrades:
Yield upgrade
Yield upgrade lets you claim more SCRAMBLE
XP upgrade
XP upgrade lets you claim more XP.
Each upgrade costs XP. You earn XP linearly based on time spent between claims. Each block earns you 1 XP. You claim XP along with SCRAMBLE.
So if you still don’t know what to do:
Go to @ScrambleFinance
Upgrade to farm more!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/arndxt_xo/status/1746867541296005602
Where does the yield come from?